More than a canteen: neotares brings a breath of fresh air to the in-house restaurant of Deutsche Leasing AG.

neotares, a consultancy specializing in innovative workplace design, undertook the task of modernizing the company cafeteria at Deutsche Leasing AG. Covering an area of approximately 595m2, the leading independent leasing companyaimed to create a contemporary cafeteria that could serve as both an alternative workspace and a networking hub

In addition to updating the flooring, the cafeteria underwent spatial reconfiguration. neotares was responsible for interior design, furniture planning, and project management for the cafeteria transformation. The interdisciplinary team of architects and interior designers sought to design a space not only for meal times but also as an alternative work area. While maintaining the existing counters and seating in the hall, neotares gave them a fresh external frame. The team instaled additional niches in the hall, providing spaces for meetings – whether during or outside of meal times – or for small groups of employees to gather and exchange information. Various elements such as wooden soundproof paneling, felt, and a moss wall were integrated to improve acoustics. The redesigned cafeteria, with seating for both small and large groups, is envisioned to become a focal point for communication in the future.

Oliver Barth, Head of Facility Management in the OrgIT Department at Deutsche Leasing AG, expressed, “With our revamped company cafeteria, we aim to creat an inspiring space for employees where the environment encourages relaxation, discussion, and collaboration. We are pleased to have found the ideal partner in neotares, whose expertise has helped us achieve this goal.”

Norman Kustos, Founder and Managing Partner of neotares, remarked, “Lunch breaks serve a social and communicative function. Sharing a table fosters team spirit and networking. In its cafeteria, Deutsche Leasing AG has established a creative and collaborative space, providing employees with a place to unwind or engage in stimulating discussions with one another.”

Katrin Laukötter, Interior Design Manager, and Larissa Heller, Architectural Manager, explained, “Presented with two contrasting designs, Deutsche Leasing opted for the timeless, natural ‘Refresh’ of their office spaces. In designing the counter and seating hall, neotares relied particularly on materials like wood and felt in natural, grey, and green tones to further enhance the quality of space.”

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